Career Officer
Testimonial • Azra Talic
Why I applied for a board year at AureusWhy I applied for the board of Aureus is because I was ready for a full year of learning and developing myself. I remember doubting between an internship and a board year, but what eventually convinced me was the impact you can make during a board year. It is a unique chance to have such an effect on a large organization in a period of one year. I do not believe this is something I would experience during an internship.
A board year is full of social and career events and therefore offers you the chance to meet new people, to broaden your network, and to experience the differences between the companies. This helps me with preparing for the job market, by getting a good overview of the possibilities.
As the Career Officer of the board, my main responsibility is to create synergy between the different career events. Aureus organizes multiple events to prepare the students of the SBE for the job market. I spend most of my time coordinating the committees behind these events. From their first meeting together to the preparations for the event itself, I stand by the committee every step of the way.
Next to that, I support our Commercial Officer with managing all the relations Aureus has with different external partners.
What kind of issues do I have to deal with?
The issues I have experienced so far, have mostly to do with the recruitment by companies and the war for talent. Nowadays, students are starting earlier with orientating, and companies want to recruit the best candidates. Therefore many events are organized by different associations, universities, and companies. Innovating the events we organize is of great importance to stay relevant for the students of the SBE.
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