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Career Officer

Aureus - Amsterdam - 05-02-2022 Naar vacature  

Board position ● Career Officer

Main Responsibilities

  • Development of strategic collaboration with SBE career services • Creating synergy between the different career events • Creating awareness about professional development among students • Responsible for the E-assessment service • Committee coordination: Amsterdam Career Days, Aureus Business Month, Business Experience Days, Masterweekend committee, Aureus Academy, SBE Masterday and (Accountancy Tour)
As a Career Officer, you are dedicated to the professional development of the students of the School of Business and Economics. Your main task is to coordinate all career events, which are Aureus’ biggest events involving numerous students and companies. Together with the Commercial Officer, you are responsible for creating the best conditions for students and companies to meet each other. In addition to the events, you will coordinate the vacancy and internship platform on the website.

Essential competencies:

  • Experience with sales/acquisition • Coordination skills • Persuasiveness • Coaching/motivation skills • Multi-tasking skills • Decisiveness


Gwen van Heijst
Why I applied for a board year at Aureus
The reason I applied for a board year at Aureus is because I wanted to commit myself to a full year of learning, developing and getting to know myself in a professional environment. During my time as a committee member, I learned a lot, but I also got to know that I still had big steps to take to get to the level I wanted to reach. Moreover, I thought and still think, a board year would be a unique opportunity to have a substantial impact on a large organization so early on in your career within a period of just one year.

Next to the personal development goals on which I base my decision, during a board year you also get to meet a lot of new people and make friends for life. I also took this into consideration when applying, because I would get to expand my network extensively, professionally and personally. Although a board year is a big commitment; it takes up a lot of time and energy, I feel better prepared for after my studies in terms of having a good overview of the possibilities and having the network to make use of them. A board year pays off all the hard work ten times over!

As the Career Officer of the board, my main responsibility is to create synergy between the different career events Aureus organizes. This means that you are the key player in between companies, the Commercial Officer and the executing committees. Because Aureus organizes quite a lot of career events, I spend most of my time coordinating the committees behind these events, which calls for coordination skills, people skills, negotiation skills and decisiveness. From their first meeting together to the preparations for the event itself, I stand by the committee every step of the way guiding, supporting and motivating them.

What kind of issues do I have to deal with?
The issues I have dealt with so far, have mostly been related to the changing needs of our students and partners. Nowadays, students are starting earlier with orientating, have a higher interest in getting to know the culture and ‘vibe’ of a company and companies, of course, still want to recruit the best candidates, but more and more in an informal setting. Because many events are organized by different associations, universities, and companies, innovating our events to match the needs of the market is of the greatest importance to stay relevant for the students of the SBE, our partners and to maintain a competitive advantage over our competitors.


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